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Type: Article
Published: 2021-10-15
Page range: 35–43
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A review of the Afrotropical Plagiozopelma Enderlein, 1912 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae), with the description of a new species from Cameroon

All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection, shosse Podbelskogo, 3, 196608, St. Petersburg – Pushkin, Russia
Taxonomy Sciapodinae long-legged flies geographic distribution new record


A new species of Plagiozopelma from Cameroon is described and illustrated: Plagiozopelma mezamense sp. nov. Males of the new species differ reliably from other congeneric Afrotropical species by the simple antennal stylus, simple apical bristles on fore tibia and presence of one row of long posteroventral bristles on fore tarsomeres 1 and 2, two to three times longer than width of segments. Plagiozopelma piliseta (Parent, 1936) is illustrated and reported from Burundi for the first time. Plagiozopelma ramiseta (Parent, 1939) is recorded from Liberia for the first time. A new identification key for all the 17 Afrotropical species of genus is provided.


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