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Published: 2022-11-23
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Contributions to the Heteroptera (Hemiptera) fauna of Anatolia with new records for Turkey

Faculty of Medicine, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, Iğdır University, Iğdır, Turkey
Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, Iğdır University, Iğdır, Turkey
Atatürk University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, 25240, Erzurum, Turkey
Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, Iğdır University, Iğdır, Turkey
Heteroptera Anatolia Biodiversity. new records eastern Turkey.


Heteroptera species collected from numerous localities in Anatolia, particularly Eastern Anatolia, between 1998 and 2021 are presented. 124 species in 97 genera belonging to following 20 families are recorded: Miridae (32), Nabidae (2), Anthocoridae (1), Tingidae (1), Reduviidae (7), Pentatomidae (33), Scutelleridae (9), Acanthosomatidae (1), Cydnidae (1), Coreidae (6), Rhopalidae (4), Alydidae (3), Stenocephalidae (2), Rhyparochromidae (12), Lygaeidae (3), Geocoridae (3), Artheneidae (1), Heterogasteridae (1), Oxycarenidae (1) and Pyrrhocoridae (1). Among them, Xanthochilus omissus (Horváth, 1911) (Rhyparochromidae) and Ceratocranum caucasicum Jakovlev, 1879 (Scutelleridae) are new for the Heteroptera fauna of Turkey. Furthermore, Dryophilocoris (Dryophilocoris) flavoquadrimaculatus (De Geer, 1773), Odontoplatys suturalis (Jakovlev, 1883) (Miridae) and Engistus salinus Jakovlev, 1874 (Geocoridae) that had been recorded from Turkey only once, are recorded from new localities. Additionally, most of the recorded species are new for the provinces that they are collected from, and following ten species are recorded from the Eastern Anatolian region for the first time: Cyllecoris histrionius (Linnaeus, 1767), Eurycolpus aureolus Seidenstücker, 1961, Odontoplatys suturalis (Jakovlev, 1883), Polymerus (Poeciloscytus) brevicornis (Reuter, 1879) (Miridae), Jalla dumosa (Linnaeus, 1758), Leprosoma tuberculatum Jakovlev, 1874, Picromerus conformis (Herrich-Schäffer, 1841) (Pentatomidae), Megalonotus emarginatus (Rey, 1888), Peritrechus nubilus (Fallén, 1807) (Rhyparochromidae) and Horvathiolus syriacus (Reuter, 1885) (Lygaeidae). Finally, the Heteroptera fauna of Transcaucasian region is briefly analyzed. It is revealed that among 1113 species known from this region, 255 species have not yet been recorded from Turkey and most of these species remain to be discovered from Eastern Anatolian region of Turkey, reflecting the need for future field researches in this region.


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