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Type: Article
Published: 2023-10-31
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A new weevil genus, Minimania Gültekin & Lyal, with notes and a key to Lachnaeus Schoenherr (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Lixinae)

Biodiversity Application & Research Center, Atatürk University, Erzurum, Turkey
Department of Life Sciences, the Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London
Minimania Lachnaeus taxonomy new taxa Palaearctic Oriental


A new monotypic genus Minimania Gültekin & Lyal gen. nov. is described for M. parvula (Faust, 1898) comb. nov. from Lachnaeus, which has the smallest body size in the tribe Lixini (Curculionidae: Lixinae). It is similar to the genus Lachnaeus Schoenherr, 1826 in the common possession of long erect setae on the body, but it differs from this genus in the following unique characters: rostrum with straight ridge and linear sulcus on pregena and elongate pseudosytlus on gonocoxites. Lectotypes are designated for Lachnaeus crinitus Boheman, 1835, Lachnaeus gibbosus Petri, 1907 and Stolatus horridus Reitter, 1890. A key to the species of Lachnaeus is given and digital images showing distinctive morphological characters are presented for each species.


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