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Type: Article
Published: 2024-05-23
Page range: 49-57
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A brief revision of Aulocera loha Doherty, 1886 with a new subspecies described from Sichuan, China (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)

The People’s Government of Dusong Township, Jinchuan County, Aba, Sichuan, P.R. China.
Satyrinae Satyrini new subspecies genitalia phylogeny


All previously supposed subspecies of Aulocera loha Doherty, 1886, including ssp. japroa Tytler, 1939 syn. nov. and ssp. chinensis Sakai, Aoki & Yamaguchi, 2001 syn. nov., were synonymized with the nominotypical subspecies by lacking distinct external differences. Furthermore, the most northeast representative of A. loha from W. Sichuan, China is reported and described as a new subspecies, i.e. A. l. liuzhei ssp. nov. This new subspecies is characterized by the less developed wing markings with its subspecific status reinforced by its monophyly in the phylogeny constructed by the COI barcode. Both the male genitalia and the distributional map of two currently known subspecies of A. loha from China are provided.


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