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Published: 2024-05-24
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Contribution to the knowledge of the genus Pseudoformicaleo van der Weele, 1909 (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) and new records from India and Thailand

Shadpada Entomology Research Lab, Department of Zoology, Christ College, (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda, Thrissur, 680125, Kerala, India, affiliated to University of Calicut, Thenhipalam, Malappuram, 673635, Kerala, India.
Rippl-Rónai Museum H-7400 Kaposvár, P.O. Box 70, Hungary.
Shadpada Entomology Research Lab, Department of Zoology, Christ College, (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda, Thrissur, 680125, Kerala, India, affiliated to University of Calicut, Thenhipalam, Malappuram, 673635, Kerala, India.
Antlion Pseudoformicaleo redescription morphological variability India Thailand


The genus Pseudoformicaleo van der Weele, 1909 with the species Pseudoformicaleo nubecula (Gerstaecker, 1885) is recorded for the first time from India and Thailand is redescribed. Additionally, morphological variability of P. nubecula is studied and illustrated based on the type specimen from Australia, and other specimens collected from Asia. Finally, not only the distribution of the species is figured, but the distribution pattern of the remaining Pseudoformicaleo species has been examined.


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