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Published: 2024-12-16
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Redescription of Carinetini Distant, 1905 (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadettinae) including a key to the genera, three new species, two new combinations, a new record and comments on the taxonomic position of the genus Paranistria Metcalf, 1952

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Taxonomy Ahomana Carineta Dorachosa Guaranisaria Novemcella Toulgoetalna Paranistria Neotropics


The description of Carinetini Distant, 1905 is expanded and updated to provide a more detailed set of characteristics in order to differentiate the taxon using a modern set of morphological features. The African genus Paranistria Metcalf, 1952 is reassigned to the Parnisini Distant, 1905 with related African taxa leaving Carinetini including only the Neotropical genera Ahomana Distant, 1905, Carineta Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843, Guaranisaria Distant, 1905, Dorachosa Distant, 1892 (=Herrera Distant, 1905), Novemcella Goding, 1925, and Toulgoetalna Boulard, 1982. A generic key to the Carinetini is provided. The cicada species Carineta cretatabasilaris sp. nov., Dorachosa bilabeculafissura sp. nov. and Dorachosa guimararesensis sp. nov. are described as new. A first record of Carineta cingenda Distant, 1883 from French Guiana is provided expanding the known range of the species. Carineta picadae Jacobi, 1907 and Herrera castaneanigricula Sanborn, 2024b are reassigned to Dorachosa to become Dorachosa picadae (Jacobi, 1907) comb. nov. and Dorachosa castaneanigricula (Sanborn, 2024b) comb. nov., respectively.


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