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Type: Article
Published: 2016-11-28
Page range: 1-26
Abstract views: 360
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Sex pairing of three highly dimorphic Arctiinae (Lepidoptera: Erebiidae) females in French Guyana and description of three new species from Brazil

IECB 2 rue Robert Escarpit 33607 Pessac Cedex FRANCE
Apiconoma Euplesia Idalus Glaucostola Arctiinae Phaegopterina new species dimorphic female Brazil French Guiana.


Following a general survey of the Neotropical Arctiinae using the so-called "barcoding" technique, three highly dimorphic females were identified and associated with their corresponding males. Idalus larissa Druce, 1890 comb. rev. is the male of Idalus albescens (Rothschild, 1909) syn. nov. Euplesia sphingidea (Perty, [1833]) is the male of Delphyre varians Hampson, 1901 syn. nov. and Apiconoma opposita (Walker, 1854) is the male of Delphyre aclytioides Hampson, 1901 syn. nov. Moreover two new species of the genus Apiconoma and one species of the genus Glaucostola, all collected in Brazil, are described: Apiconoma witti sp. nov., Apiconoma mojui sp. nov. and Glaucostola indagata sp. nov. Several distances trees and pictures of all male (and one female) genitalia are provided. Distributions for all new species are discussed.