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Type: Article
Published: 2018-10-03
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Annotated checklist and review of the mosquito species (Diptera: Culicidae) in Sri Lanka

Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Diptera Species mosquitoes Sri Lanka


Mosquito borne diseases remains as an importance source of morbidity and mortality in Sri Lanka. To better control vectors which transmit the diseases, updated list of the species present in the county is imperative. It is also vital in documenting the diversity of the family Culicidae. Original records were collected from a literature review to compile a list of the species recorded in Sri Lanka. This work illustrates the updated list of mosquito species in Sri Lanka and their current taxonomic status based on previous studies from 1901 to date. A total of 159 species belonging to 19 genera including sibling species, have been included in the revised mosquito checklist in Sri Lanka. The present work includes 13 species, two genera (Lutzia, Verrallina) and 9 subgenera in subfamily Culicinae, tribe Aedini of genus Aedes (Bruceharrisonius, Collessius, Danielsia, Dendroskusea, Downsiomyia, Fredwardsius, Hulecoeteomyia, Neomelaniconion, Phagomyia) in to the checklist which were not included in the previous mosquito checklist published nearly 26 years ago. However, further work is essential to refine this list and to explore the abundance of new species within the country. Improved morphological and molecular identification methods will sanction the refinement of the mosquito catalog in years to come.


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