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Type: Article
Published: 2019-04-18
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A synopsis of the Lyctine beetles of Eurasia with a key to the species (Insecta: Coleoptera: Bostrichidae: Lyctinae)

Department of Science Communication, National Ping Tung University, Ping Tung, Taiwan.


Taxanomy, Bostrichidae
Bohlstr. 4, D 79115-Freiburg, Germany.
Coleoptera Bostrichoidea Lyctinae powder post beetles checklist new record Eurasia


We provide an annotated synopsis of all the Eurasian Lyctinae with a key to all three tribes, seven genera and thirty-eight species. We provide for each species a summary of what is currently known about its taxonomic status, distribution, host plants, biology, and economic importance as a baseline for future studies of the fauna, particularly in relation to the growing importance of lyctines as economically important pests in the region.



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