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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2021-12-20
Page range: 53–56
Abstract views: 485
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First detailed records of Ledra aurita (Linnaeus, 1758) (Cicadellidae: Ledrinae) from Greece

Oxford University Museum of Natural History, University of Oxford, OX1 3PW, UK
Institute of Marine Biological Resources and Inland Waters, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Anavyssos, 19013, Attica, Greece
Auchenorrhyncha Cicadomorpha broadleaf forest Quercus Mediterranean Region.


Detailed distribution records of the remarkable Eared Leafhopper Ledra aurita from Greece are presented for the first time. All available records from museum and personal collections, as well as online arthropod identification groups were assembled and mapped. The distribution and ecology of the species in the country are briefly discussed.


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