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Type: Article
Published: 2022-02-22
Page range: 19–35
Abstract views: 750
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Prediction of the distribution limits of Rhinomias forticornis (Boheman, 1842) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae) based on Remote Sensing

Lviv Branch of Ukrainian Entomological Society, 18 Str. Teatralna, 79008, Lviv, Ukraine
Uzhanskyi National Park, 27 Str. Shevchenko, 89000, Velykyi Bereznyi, Ukraine
University of Oslo Natural History Museum, Department of Zoology, P.O. Box 1172 Blindern NO-0318 Oslo, Norway
biotic interaction biotic predictor realized niche species distribution modeling Last Glacial Maximum refugia new record Alps Apennines Bohemian Massif Carpathians Sudetes Vosges Podolian Upland Rhinomias


Morphometry and diagnosis of Rhinomias forticornis (Boheman, 1842) are given. Distribution of Rhinomias forticornis is analyzed using known occurrences, original ecological data, correlative species distribution modeling with aspect on Last Glacial Maximum environment are given. To achieve a more realistic and precise spatial pattern, selected climatic variables are combined with remote sensing vegetation indices (LAI and NDVI). Presumable geographic limits of realized niche are Rhine River and Elbe River on the northwest, Dniester River on the northeast. The southeastern barrier in the Carpathians is possibly Tisza River. Since the natural climatic barrier in Asia Minor, it is definitely absent in the Caucasus despite the existence of suitable bioclimatic conditions. This is the first confirmation of Rh. forticornis in Ukraine. 


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