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Type: Article
Published: 2023-12-27
Page range: 41-50
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A new species of Thrypticus Gerstaecker, 1864 and new records of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Turkey

All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection; shosse Podbelskogo; 3; 196608; St. Petersburg – Pushkin; Russia
Diptera Dolichopodidae Medeterinae new records new species Palaearctic Region Thrypticus


A new long-legged fly species, Thrypticus ozerovi Grichanov sp. nov., from the Antalya Province of Turkey is described and illustrated. The new species appears to be close in habitus to the Turkish endemic T. caeruleus Naglis et Negrobov, 2020, differing from the latter in somewhat smaller body, yellow hind tibia and tarsomeres, with only tarsomere 5 brown; hypandrium relatively broad, without constriction, with arrow-like apex and distinct flexion at apex. Thrypticus caeruleus was described from Aydın and Muğla provinces with body length 1.7 mm, hind tibia and tarsomeres dark brown, hypandrium thin, nearly straight, parallel-sided in distal half, with short constriction in middle. In all, 29 species are recorded from the Antalya, Bolu, Burdur, Kayseri and Sakarya provinces. Six species of long-legged flies are reported from the country for the first time: Diaphorus deliquescens Loew, 1871, Dolichopus linearis Meigen, 1824, Dolichopus planitarsis Fallén, 1823, Gymnopternus silvestris (Pollet, 1991), Medetera media Parent, 1925 and Poecilobothrus annulitarsis Kazerani, Pollet, Khaghaninia, 2017. As a result, the dolichopodid species number in Turkey has increased to 230. It is supposed that the real number of Turkish species possibly may reach 400 to 500 species, based on the faunal richness of adjacent countries.


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