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Type: Monograph
Published: 2024-08-13
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Results of ongoing mapping of Bolbelasmus unicornis (Schrank, 1789) (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae: Bolboceratinae): the second addendum to the biogeographical study from 2022, with a literature review and new records of B. keithi Miessen & Trichas, 2011 and B. nireus (Reitter, 1895)

Lidická 59, 796 01 Prostějov, Czech Republic
Association Hyla, Lipovac I, No. 7, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
“Grigore Antipa” National Museum of Natural History, 1 Kiseleff, 011341 Bucharest, Romania
Kyselica 92, 930 30 Rohovce, Slovakia
Bolboceratidae Bolboceratinae Bolbelasmini zoogeography bibliography occurrence data distribution maps Western Palaearctic


The results of ongoing research on the distribution of the European unicorn earth-borer beetle Bolbelasmus unicornis (Schrank, 1789) are presented, including occurrence data from 47 new localities: 15 Hungarian, 12 Croatian, 7 Romanian, 7 Slovak, 3 Ukrainian, and 2 Austrian localities. Furthermore, the fifth and most recent record of the species from Bosnia and Herzegovina is given, although dating from 1972. The first historical record of the species from a locality in Germany (Regensburg) was discovered in an overlooked work by Franz de Paula von Schrank dating from the end of the 18th century. Similarly, a record of the species from the 1950s from Moldova representing one of five localities reported from that country was discovered in an overlooked paper by Sergey Ivanovich Medvedev and Dora Samoylovna Shapiro. All new or newly discovered records have been added to four distribution maps provided in this addendum. Bolbelasmus unicornis is currently known from 435 localities in 20 countries, but only 12 of these countries have recent records. For each of the countries, an overview of sources with records of the species is given. An updated seasonal dynamics graph was generated based on the data complemented with new records from the countries into which the Pannonian Basin extends. In addition, new occurrence data of the very similar and probably closely related congeners B. keithi Miessen & Trichas, 2011 and B. nireus (Reitter, 1895) are presented and have been added to the distribution map of B. unicornis and East Mediterranean species of the genus Bolbelasmus. A review of the literature with records of both species is also given, as well as maps of their distribution. Bolbelasmus nireus is delisted from Syria based on a correction of the type locality interpretation. A table with the list of literature sources containing descriptions of immature stages of the representatives of the subfamily Bolboceratinae known to date is provided, as well as corrections for minor errors and omissions that were noted in the previous studies.


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