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Type: Monograph
Published: 2024-08-12
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An overview of the distribution and natural history of Anthaxia olympica Kiesenwetter, 1880 and A. astoreth Obenberger, 1934 (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), with a new synonymy and lectotype designation

Brodačská 331, CZ‑691 63 Velké Němčice.
Haplanthaxia, biogeography, ethology, host plants, Europe, Western Palaearctic, lectotype designation, new synonymy


The distribution of Anthaxia olympica Kiesenwetter, 1880 and A. astoreth Obenberger, 1934 is critically reviewed throughout their range. Anthaxia olympica has been recorded from 1026 localities in 21 countries of Europe and Western Asia, while A. astoreth has been recorded from 135 localities in seven Western Asian countries. For the first species, the first detailed distributional record from the Republic of Moldova is presented, while the latter species is for the first time recorded for Iraq. In addition, detailed occurrence data of A. olympica from Azerbaijan with details are provided here for the first time.  Similarly, although A. astoreth has already been listed for Israel, Jordan and Lebanon detailed occurence data from these countries are presented for the first time. Records from literature from all countries are presented here in details, in many cases supplemented by data of the author. A grid map with the distribution of A. olympica in the Czech Republic and Slovakia is presented, as well as a map of the general distribution of both species. Remarks on biology of both species as well as graphs of seasonal dynamics are also provided. The collected data show that A. olympica is monophagous on dog rose (Rosa canina), with only four documented developments in different plant species; on the other hand, A. astoreth has been documented as a polyphagous species. A lectotype for A. olympica is designated here. Based on the study of type materials, Anthaxia denesi Svoboda, 2000 is proposed as junior subjective synonym of A. astoreth.


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