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Published: 2024-08-14
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An updated checklist of the jewel beetles (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) of Peru

Piura district, post office 20001, Piura region, Peru
Piura district, post office 20001, Piura region, Peru
Biodiversity Entomological collections Neotropical region South America


Compilation of data from bibliographic records and revision of specimens deposited in institutions and private collections, an updated checklist of the jewel beetles (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) of Peru is presented. The updated checklist includes 4 subfamilies, 14 tribes, 37 genera and 214 species-group taxa (199 species and 15 subspecies). The subfamily Agrilinae and the genus Agrilus are most species-rich, while 50 species are known only from Peru. Agrilus (Agrilus) auratolineatus Curletti & Brûlé, 2011, Amorphosoma penicillatum (Klug, 1827), Conognatha (Conognatha) clara Erichson, 1848, Leiopleura gemma Obenberger, 1936, L. trochilus Kerremans, 1896, Lius elongatus Kerremans, 1896, Pachyschelus bolivianus Obenberger, 1925, P. nemoralis Obenberger, 1925, Taphrocerus catacaustus Obenberger, 1941, T. scutellatus Obenberger, 1934, T. subauratus Marek, 2017 and T. zikani Obenberger, 1924 are new country records, while Chrysobothris (Chrysobothris) fallax Juárez-Noé & González-Coronado, 2023, C. (C.) requensis Juárez-Noé, Barboza & Perales, 2023 and Lasionota (Nelsonozodes) oberthuri (Kerremans, 1897) present new regional records. Each species listed includes its current name, synonyms, and regional/provincial distribution data. Additionally, photographs of some species are provided.


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