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Type: Article
Published: 2024-04-30
Page range: 107-121
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Descriptions of Four New Western Hemisphere Palm Bugs (Heteroptera: Thaumastocoridae: Xylastodorinae): A New Species of Xylastodoris from Haiti and Two Remarkable New Genera, One with Two New Species from Ecuador, and One with A New Species from Peru

Systematic Entomology Laboratory, ARS, USDA, c/o National Museum Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20013-7012 USA.
Insecta Hemiptera New World host distribution relationships biogeography subfamilies new taxa


Four new Western Hemisphere xylastodorine palm bugs (Thaumastocoridae: Xylastodorinae) are recognized. Neolatebracoris new genus is described to accommodate Neolatebracoris erwini new species from Peru; Xylastodoris cornutus new species is described from specimens intercepted at Miami, Florida, from Haiti; and Xylastotylus new genus is described to accommodate Xylastotylus emarginatus new species (as the type species) and X. minutus new species from Ecuador. Dorsal and lateral habitus and available genital capsule images, diagnoses, and descriptions are provided for each new genus and species. Relationships and biogeography of the new taxa are discussed, and revised keys to the New World genera of the subfamily and the species of Xylastodoris and Xylastotylus are provided.



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