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Type: Article
Published: 2025-01-31
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Review of the Fungal-Inhabiting Plant Bugs of the Subfamily Cylapinae in Japan (Heteroptera: Miridae), with Descriptions of a New Genus and Three New Species

Nagasaki West High School, SSH Biology Section, Nagasaki 852-8014, Japan
University of Opole, Institute of Biology, Oleska 22, 45-052 Opole, Poland
Miridae Cylapinae Japan new taxa new combinations SEM documentation


The Japanese fauna of the plant bug subfamily Cylapinae is reviewed and updated. Based on recently accumulated cylapine specimens from southwestern Japan including the Ryukyus, the following new genus and new species have been established and are herein described: Wolskicoris Yasunaga, new genus; Fulvius reoi Yasunaga and Wolski, new species; Peritropis akitai Yasunaga and Wolski, new species; and Wolskicoris quadrinotatus Yasunaga and Wolski, new species. Two known species, Fulvius niveonotatus Yasunaga, 2000 and Yamatofulvius sinuicornis Yasunaga, 2000, are herein transferred to Wolskicoris new genus and Rhinocylapidius Poppius, 1915, respectively. Two new combinations, W. niveonotatus (Yasunaga), new combination and R. sinuicornis (Yasunaga), new combination are accordingly proposed. An updated checklist and key to tribes, genera, and species are provided to aid in the identification of the Japanese Cylapinae. A teratological antennomere found in a new species, Peritropis akitai, is also documented.



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