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Type: Article
Published: 2025-01-31
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A Catalogue of the Subfamily Mirinae (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae) of Vietnam

The Center for Entomology & Parasitology Research, College of Medicine and Pharmacy, Duy Tan University, Da Nang 550000, Vietnam
Département de l’Etude du Milieu Naturel et Agricole, Service Public de Wallonie, Gembloux, BE-5030, Belgium, EU
The Center for Entomology & Parasitology Research, College of Medicine and Pharmacy, Duy Tan University, Da Nang 550000, Vietnam
The Center for Entomology & Parasitology Research, College of Medicine and Pharmacy, Duy Tan University, Da Nang 550000, Vietnam
Laboratory of Systematic Entomology, Department of Applied Biology, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea; Department of Smart Agriculture Systems, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea
Insecta plant bugs list distributions hosts


This paper provides the first annotated catalogue of the plant bug subfamily Mirinae (Heteroptera: Miridae) from Vietnam. A total of four tribes, 30 genera, and 39 species are recognized and catalogued. For each species, brief information is provided on its distribution, host plant and dorsal habitus.



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