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Type: Article
Published: 2025-01-31
Page range: 15-22
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Life Cycle of Hadronema militare Uhler (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae)

P.O. Box 249, Wheatland, Wyoming, 82201, USA
True host Orthotylinae univoltine oviposition litter Thermopsis Lupinus


Lupine (Lupinus L.) and goldenbanner (Thermopsis R. Br.), herbaceous legumes (Fabaceae) in the subfamily Faboideae, are plants that support the nymphal development of the orthotyline plant bug Hadronema militare Uhler. In Wyoming, H. militare is univoltine, overwinters as eggs, and completes nymphal development, reproduction, and oviposition before mid-summer host senescence. At a mid-elevation (1675 m amsl) study site in 2024, overwintering eggs hatched in late April, coincident with initiation of active growth of the host Thermopsis rhombifolia (Nutt. ex Pursh) Nutt. ex Richardson. Nymphs developed in the litter under the host throughout May. In mid-May, the first adults were observed in the litter feeding on host plants. Mating began in early June, and oviposition occurred in the host’s stems a few days after mating. Adults persisted at the site until host senescence in early July. The eggs and nymphs are described, and a new state record for Nebraska is provided. Other legume hosts at a low-elevation site in Nebraska (Lupinus argenteus Pursh) and a higher-elevation site in Wyoming (L. argenteus and T. divaricarpa A. Nelson) are noted.



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