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Type: Articles
Published: 2010-10-29
Page range: 28–52
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Molecular phylogeny of the weevil genus Kyklioacalles Stüben, with descriptions of a new subgenus Glaberacalles and two new species (Curculionidae: Cryptorhynchinae)

Curculio Institute, Hauweg 62, D-41066 Mönchengladbach, Germany
ZFMK: Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, Molekularlabor, Adenauerallee 160, D-53113 Bonn, Germany
Coleoptera Bayesian analysis 16S COI endophallus molecular phylogenetics western Palearctic


A molecular phylogeny of the western Palearctic weevil genus Kyklioacalles Stüben, 1999 is presented, combining two mitochondrial genes (CO1 and 16S) in a Bayesian analysis. Based on molecular data, the validity of the subspecies Kyklioacalles punctaticollis punctaticollis (Lucas, 1849) and Kyklioacalles punctaticollis meteoricus (Meyer, 1909) is discussed and the morphological differentiation of the endophalli and known distributions of both subspecies are verified. Glaberacalles subg. n. (formerly Kyklioacalles punctaticollis-group) and two new species are described, Kyklioacalles atlasicus sp.n. from Morocco and Kyklioacalles plantapilosus sp.n. from Spain. Kyklioacalles berberi (Stüben, 2005), comb. n. and Kyklioacalles olcesei (Tournier, 1873) comb. n. are transferred from Acalles Schoenherr. The molecular results further advocate a transfer of Onyxacalles pyrenaeus (Boheman, 1844) to Kyklioacalles; however this is not supported by morphological evidence. Kyklioacalles almadensis Stüben, 2004 syn. n. (Spain) is synonymized with Kyklioacalles bupleuri Stüben, 2004 (Tunisia). A catalogue of all 40 (sub-)species of Kyklioacalles is given and a key of the species of the subgenus Glaberacalles is presented.


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