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Type: Articles
Published: 2010-11-16
Page range: 60-68
Abstract views: 86
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A new species of miniature catfish from the Malay Peninsula (Teleostei: Bagridae: Nanobagrus)

Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research, Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore, 6 Science Drive 2, Singapore 117546
Fish Nanobagrus lemniscatus Peninsular Malaysia Siluriformes Terengganu


Nanobagrus lemniscatus, a new species of miniature bagrid catfish from the Malay Peninsula is described here. It can be distinguished from congeners in having the following combination of characters: large cream patches on a brown body frequently coalescing to form broad transverse band, length of adipose-fin base 24.0–27.1% SL, body depth at anus 13.1–14.0% SL, 35–36 vertebrae, pectoral spine with length 16.1–18.7% SL and 7–9 serrations on its posterior margin, and a convex neurocranium. Nanobagrus stellatus is also recorded from the Malay Peninsula for the first time in this study.


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