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Type: Articles
Published: 2011-01-19
Page range: 39–52
Abstract views: 101
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Phylogenetic relationships within the genus Staurois (Anura, Ranidae) based on 16S rRNA sequences

School of Life Sciences and Technology – Institut Teknologi Bandung, Labtek XI Building, 10 Jalan Ganesa, Bandung – 40132, Indonesia
School of Life Sciences and Technology – Institut Teknologi Bandung, Labtek XI Building, 10 Jalan Ganesa, Bandung – 40132, Indonesia
Department Biological Sciences-National University of Singapore, Kent Ridge, 117543, Singapore
University of Kansas, Dyche Hall, 1345 Jayhawk Blvd, Lawrence, KS 66045 – 7593, USA
Department Biological Sciences-National University of Singapore, Kent Ridge, 117543, Singapore University Scholars Programme-National University of Singapore, Kent Ridge, 119260, Singapore
Department Biological Sciences-National University of Singapore, Kent Ridge, 117543, Singapore
Amphibia mitochondrial DNA maximum parsimony Bayesian analysis phylogeny genetic diversity


We estimate the phylogenetic relationships among all six recognized species of the genus Staurois based on 16S rRNA sequences (~522 bp) for 92 specimens from Borneo and the Philippines. Our preferred phylogenetic tree inferred from Maximum Parsimony and Bayesian methods reveal six major clades within the genus leading to recognition of S. natator, S. nubilus, S. guttatus, S. tuberilinguis, S. parvus, and S. latopalmatus. For species where multiple populations were assessed, we found high genetic variation that may eventually support the recognition of new species.


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