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Type: Articles
Published: 2011-01-21
Page range: 20–24
Abstract views: 149
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Dina orientalis sp. nov. —an overlooked new leech (Annelida: Hirudinea: Erpobdellidae) species from the Near and Middle East

Oststraβe 20, 04317 Leipzig/Germany
Bornstraβe 73, 65719 Hofheim-Lorsbach/Taunus, Germany
Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Montenegro, Cetinski put b. b 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro
Annelida Hirudinea Erpobdellidae


The new species described here has, for a long time, been confused with Dina stschegolewi (Lukin & Epshtein, 1960), a species described from Krym (the Crimean Peninsula, Ukraine). Both species are similar in having rows of yellow spots on the dorsal surface. As the latter species had been poorly defined in the past, all yellow spotted specimens of the genus Dina Blanchard, from the area of the Near and Middle East, were attributed to Dina stschegolewi (Rückert 1985, Nesemann 1993, Nesemann & Neubert 1999). Prof. V. M. Epshtein (Wuppertal/Germany, oral communication) suspected that the specimens attributed to Dina stschegolewi by Nesemann (1993) and Nesemann & Neubert (1999) differed from the species from Krym. Furthermore, Grosser & Pešić (2006) mentioned that populations of Dina stschegolewi sensu Nesemann, 1993 most probably belong to a new species.


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