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Type: Articles
Published: 2011-02-07
Page range: 26–42
Abstract views: 99
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Diversity and distribution of assemblages of estuarine decapod larvae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura, Brachyura) in tropical southeastern Brazil

Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation, ICMBio, EQSW 103/104 - Complexo Sudoeste, 70670-350 Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil
Federal University of Espírito Santo, UFES, Av. Fernando Ferrari, s/n, Goiabeiras, 290750-910 Vitória/Espírito Santo, Brazil
Crustacea larvae spatial distribution seasonal distribution salinity southern Brazil estuaries


Decapod larvae assemblages were studied in the tropical estuaries off southeastern Brazil (Piraquê-açú and Piraquê-mirim rivers estuaries). A total of 32 taxa of decapod larvae were recorded. Brachyuran larvae dominated in Piraquê-açú estuary, with 62% of the relative abundance, and 49% in Piraquê-mirim estuary. Mean larvae concentrations ranged from 17.2 m -3 at Piraquê-mirim (August 2003) to 221.1 m -3 at Piraquê-açú (April 2003). The assemblage of larvae in both estuaries was diverse, especially at Piraquê-mirim, which showed higher ecological stability. The high spatial heterogeneity of the Piraquê-açú and Piraquê-mirim estuarine system resulted in the division of the assemblage into two well-defined groups (truly estuarine and euryhaline). Salinity spatial gradient was a key factor in the structure and distribution of larvae.


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