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Type: Articles
Published: 2011-03-04
Page range: 35–51
Abstract views: 77
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The Centetostoma scabriculum complex—a group of three cryptic species (Arachnida: Opiliones: Nemastomatidae)

Institute of Zoology, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Department of Systematic Zoology, Müllerweg 6, D-55099 Mainz, Germany
Arachnida Centetostoma juberthiei new species Centetostoma ventalloi taxonomy phylogeny lectotype synonymy Pyrenees France Spain


Nemastoma scabriculum Simon, 1879 turned out to be a group of three closely related species of the Pyrenees in SW Europe (France and Spain). Though the species are similar in general habit they can easily be recognized by external morphology (structure of the apophysis of male chelicerae) and male genital morphology (penial structure). For Nemastoma scabriculum Simon, 1879 sensu stricto a lectotype is designated. The synonymous Nemastoma ventalloi Mello-Leitao, 1936 is considered to be a distinct species and is re-described. The third species of the group is described as new, Centetostoma juberthiei sp. n. Though partly sympatric in their restricted Pyrenean area, the individual species are found to be small-scale allopatric; only twice have two species been found in syntopy in narrowly circumscribed localities. Centetostoma Kratochvíl, 1958 is confined to presently comprise one Southwest Alpine and three Pyrenean species.


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