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Published: 2005-10-18
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A catalogue of the Trichobranchinae (Polychaeta: Terebellidae) of the world

Centro de Estudos do Mar, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Av. Beira mar s/n, CP 50002, 83255-000, Pontal do Paraná, PR, Brazil Curso de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Biológicas, Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Zoologia, Curitiba, Brazil
Centro de Estudos do Mar, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Av. Beira mar s/n, CP 50002, 83255-000, Pontal do Paraná, PR, Brazil
The Australian Museum, Aquatic Zoology, 6 College Street, NSW 2010, Sydney, Australia
Annelida Taxonomy catalogue Terebellomorpha Terebellida Trichobranchidae Terebellides Octobranchus Trichobranchus Unobranchus Artacamella Ampharetides Novobranchus Aponobranchus Filibranchus Corephorus


A world catalogue of the subfamily Trichobranchinae (Polychaeta: Terebellidae) is provided. Four genera and 58 species are listed, with references to original descriptions, location of types, type locality, and subsequent taxonomic and applied literature.


  1. Allen, E.J. (1915) Polychaeta of Plymouth and the South Devon coast, including a list of the Archiannelida. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 10, 592–646.

    Amoureux, L. (1984) Brief notes on two small collections of Polychaetes from Queensland, with two new records for Australia. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland, 95, 7–9.

    Appellöf, A. (1896) Faunististe undersøgelser i Herløfjorden. Bergens museums årbog, 1894–1895, 1–11.

    Augener, H. (1906) Reports on the results of dredging, under the supervision of Alexander Agassiz, in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, and on the east coast of the United States, 1876 to 1880, by the U.S.S. Coast Survey Steamer "Blake". XLII Westindische Polychaeten. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 43, 91–196.

    Augener, H. (1913) Beitrag zur Kenntnis verschiedener Anneliden und Bemerkungen über die nordischen Nephtys-Arten und deren epitoke Formen. Archiv für Naturgeschichte, 78, 162–212.

    Augener, H. (1918) Polychaeta. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Meeresfauna Westafrikas, 2, 67–625.

    Augener, H. (1927) Papers from Dr. Th. Mortensen's Pacific Expedition 1914–16. 38. Polychaeten von Sudöst und Sud-Australien. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fran Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening, 83, 71–275.

    Augener, H. (1928) Die Polychaeten von Spitzbergen. Fauna Arctica, 5, 647–834.

    Augener, H. (1932) Antarktische und antiboreale Polychaeten nebst einer Hirudinee. Scientific Results of the Norwegian Antarctic Expeditions 1927–1928 et sqq, instituted and financed by Consul Lars Christensen, Det norske videnskaps-akademi i Oslo, 9, 1–85.

    Augener, H. (1934) Polychaeten aus den Zoologischen Museen von Leiden und Amsterdam. IV Schluss. Zoologische Mededeelingen uitgegeven door 's Rijks Museem van Natuurlijke Historie, 17, 67–160.

    Berkeley, E. & Berkeley, C. (1952) Annelida, Polychaeta Sedentaria. Canadian Pacific Fauna, 9, 1–139.

    Berkeley, E. & Berkeley, C. (1954) Additions to the polychaete fauna of Canada, with comments on some older records. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 11, 454–471.

    Bidenkap, O. (1894) Undersøgelser over Annulata Polychaeta om kring Hardangerfjordens Udløb sommeren 1893. Arkiv für Naturvidenskaberne, 17, 1–11.

    Blankensteyn, A. (1988) Terebellidae e Trichobranchidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) da Costa Sudeste do Brazil (24°–27°S). Dissertação de mestrado, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Paraná, 222 p.

    Blankensteyn, A. & Lana, P. C. (1987) Octobranchus longipes sp. n. (Trichobranchidae: Polychaeta) da costa sudeste do Brasil. Arquivos de Biologia e Tecnologia, 30, 671–676.

    Bobretzky, N.V. (1881) [On the annelids of the Black Sea]. Kiev odschestva estest Zapisky, 6, 183–212.

    Bremec C.S. & Elias, R. (1999) Species of Terebellides from South Atlantic waters off Argentina and Brazil (Polychaeta: Trichobranchidae). Ophelia, 51, 177–186.

    Carus, J.V. (1885) Prodromus Faunae Mediterraneae sive Descriptio Animalium maris Mediterranei incolarum quam comparata silva rerum quatenus innotiut adiectis et nominibus vulgaribus eorumque auctoribus in commodum zoologorum. Coelenterata, Echinodermata Vermes Arthropoda, 525 pp.

    Caullery, M. (1915) Sur les Terébellides Malmgren du Siboga et les Terebelliens voisins. Bulletin de la Societé Zoologique de France, 40, 111–116.

    Caullery, M. (1944) Polychètes Sédentaires de l'Expédition du Siboga: Ariciidae, Spionidae, Chaetopteridae, Chloraemidae, Opheliidae, Oweniidae, Sabellariidae, Sternaspidae, Amphictenidae, Ampharetidae, Terebellidae. Siboga Expedition, 24, 1–204.

    Chamberlin, R.V. (1919) Pacific coast Polychaeta collected by Alexander Agassiz. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University, 63, 251–270.

    Colgan, D.J., Hutchings, P.A. & Brown, S. (2001) Phylogenetic relationships within the Terebellomorpha. Journal of Marine Biological Association of United Kingdom, 81 (5), 765–773.

    Cunningham, J.T. & Ramage G.A. (1888) The Polychaeta Sedentaria of the Firth of Forth. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 33, 635–684.

    Dallyell, J.G. (1853) The Powers of the Creator displayed in the creation; or observations on life amidst the various of the humbler tribes of animated nature with practical comments and illustrations. Vol. 2. London, 359 pp.

    Danielssen, D.C. (1859) Beretning om en zoologisk Reise i Sommeren 1858. Kongelige Norske videnskabers selskabs skrifter, 4, 97–164.

    Danielssen, D.C. (1861) Beretning om en zoologisk Reise foretageni Sommeren 1857. Nyt Magazin für Naturvidenskaberne, 11, 1–58.

    Day, J.H. (1955) The Polychaeta of South Africa. Sedentary species from Cape shores and estuaries. Journal of the Linnean Society of London, 42, 407–452.

    Day, J.H. (1957) The Polychaete Fauna of South Africa. Part 4. New species and records from Natal and Mozambique. Annals of the Natal Museum, 14, 59–129.

    Day, J.H. (1967) A monograph on the Polychaeta of Southern Africa. Part. 2 Sedentaria. London: British Museum of Natural History, 878 pp.

    Ditlevsen, H. (1911) Annelida from the Denmark Expedition. Meddell om Grfnlonland 45, 409–432.

    Ditlevsen, H. (1914) Polychaete Annelider. Meddelelser om Gronland, 23, 659–741.

    Ehlers, E. (1871). On the Vermes collected by M. v. Heuglin in the sea of Spitzbergen. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 4, 25–80.

    Ehlers, E. (1875) Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Verticalverbreitung der Borstenwürmer im Meere. Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie, 25, 1–102.

    Ehlers, E. (1897) Polychaeten. Hamburger Magalhaenischen Sammel reise, Hamburg, 148 pp.

    Ehlers, E. (1900) Magellanischen Anneliden gesammelt waehrend der Schwedischen Expedition nach den Magellanslaendern. Nachrichte der Koeniglichen Gesellschaft der Wisse schaften, Goettingen Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse, 1–18.

    Ehlers, E. (1901) Die Polychaeten des magellanischen und chilenischen Strandes. Ein faunistischer Versuch. Festschrift zur Feier des Hundertfuenfzigjaehrigen Bestehens des Koeniglichen Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaten zu Goettingen Mathematisch-Physikalische Abhandlungen, 1–232.

    Ehlers, E. (1908) Die bodensässigen Anneliden aus den Sammlungen der deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der deutschen Tiefsee- Expedition au dem Dampfer Valdivia, 16, 1–169.

    Ehlers, E. (1913) Die Polychaeten-Sammlungen der deutschen Suedpolar- Expedition 1901–1903. Deutsche Südpolar Expedition, 13, 397–598.

    Fauchald, K. (1972) Benthic polychaetous annelids from deep water off western Mexico and adjacent areas in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Allan Hancock Foundation Monographs in Marine Biology, 7, 19–31.

    Fauchald, K. (1977) The Polychaete worms. Definitions and keys to the orders, families and genera. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Science Series, 28, 1–188.

    Fauchald, K. & Hancock, D.R. (1981) Deep-water polychaetes from a transect off central Oregon. Allan Hancock Foundation Monographs in Marine Biology, 11, 3–73.

    Fauvel, P. (1909) Deuxième note préliminaire sur les Polychètes provenant des campagnes de l'Hirondelle et de la Princesse-Alice deposées dans le Musée Océanographique de Monaco. Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique de Monaco, 142, 1–76.

    Fauvel, P. (1914) Annélides Polychètes de San Thome (Golfe de Guinée) recueillies par M. Ch. Gravier. Archives de zoologie expérimentale et générale, 54, 105–155.

    Fauvel, P. (1927) Polychètes sédentaires. Addenda aux errantes, Archiannélides, Myzostomaires. Faune de France vol. 16. Paris: Librairie de la Faculté des Sciences Paul Lechevalier, 216–494 pp.

    Fauvel, P. (1933) Annelida Polychaeta of the Indian Museum, Calcutta. Memoirs of the Indian Museum Calcutta, 12, 1–262.

    Fauvel, P. (1936) Contribution a la faune des Annélides Polychètes du Maroc. Mémoires de la Société des Sciences Naturelles du Maroc, 43, 1–143.

    Friedrich, H. (1938) Polychaeta. Tierwelt der Nord und Ostsee Lieferung, 32, 1–201.

    Garraffoni, A.R.S. & Lana, P.C. (2000) Análise cladística do gênero Octobranchus Marion & Bobretzky, 1875 (Trichobranchidae: Polychaeta). Notas Técnicas da Facimar, 4, 43–48.

    Garraffoni, A.R.S. & Lana, P.C. (2002) Is Filibranchus, Malm 1874 (Trichobranchidae: Polychaeta) a natural taxon? Sarsia, 87, 472–477.

    Garraffoni, A.R.S. & Lana, P.C. (2003) Species of Terebellides (Polychaeta, Terebellidae, Trichobranchinae) from the Brazilian coast. Iheringia, 93, 355–363.

    Garraffoni, A.R.S. & Lana, P.C. (2004) Cladistic analysis of Trichobranchinae (Polychaeta; Terebellidae). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 84, 973–982.

    Gourret, O. (1901) Documents sur les Térébellacees et les Ampharetiens du Golfe de Marseille. Mémoires de la Société zoologique de France, 14, 373–387.

    Gravier, C. (1905) Sur les annélides polychètes de la Mer Rouge (Cirratuliens (suite), Maldaniens, Amphicteniens, Terebelliens). Bulletin du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, 11, 319–326.

    Grieg, J. (1889) Undersøgelser over Dyrelivet i de vestlandske Fjorde, II. Echinodermer, Annelider, etc. fra Moster. Bergens museums årsberetning, 1888, 1–11.

    Grube, A.E. (1846) Beschreibungen neuer oder weniger bekannter Anneliden. Beitrag: Canephorus, Ammochares, Dasymallus, Scalis – Arten. Archiv für Naturgeschichte, 12, 45–59.

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    Grube, A.E. (1877) Die von der Gazelle mitgebrachten Anneliden, zu denen noch zwei von Dr. Buchholz gesammelte kommen. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1877, 509–544.

    Grube, A.E. (1878) Annulata Semperiana. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Annelidenfauna der Philippinen. Mémoires de L'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg, 25, 1–300.

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