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Type: Articles
Published: 2005-10-14
Page range: 33–52
Abstract views: 130
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A checklist of parasitic helminths reported from sixty-five species of marine fish from Turkey including two new records of monogeneans

Cihannüma mahallesi, Hüsnü savman street no:22-5 80690 Besiktas, §stanbul, Turkey
Pisces Acanthocephala Annelida Axine belones marine fish Monogenea Nemathelminthes Nematoda Platyhelminthes Pyragraphorus pyragraphorus Turkey


This study provides a checklist of 114 parasitic helminths (87 Platyhelminthes; 16 Nemathelminthes; 9 Acanthocephala; 2 Annelida) reported from 65 marine fish collected from Turkey since 1931, including locations where fish were collected. Two species of microcotylids (Monogenea): Pyragraphorus pyragraphorus (Mac Callum and Mac Callum, 1913) on garrick, Trachynotus ovatus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Carangidae), from the Mediterranean Sea and Axine belones Abildgaard, 1794 on garfish, Belone belone (Linnaeus,1761) (Belonidae), from the Sea of Marmara are reported for the first time in Turkish coastal waters.


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