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Type: Articles
Published: 2011-08-11
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On the need to follow rigorously the Rules of the Code for the subsequent designation of a nucleospecies (type species) for a nominal genus which lacked one: the case of the nominal genus Trimeresurus Lacépède, 1804 (Reptilia: Squamata: Viperidae)

Reptiles & Amphibiens, UMR 7205 OSEB, Département Systématique et Evolution, CP 30, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, 57 rue Cuvier, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France
Society for Southeast Asian Herpetology, Im Sand 3, 69115 Heidelberg, Germany
Département Systématique et Evolution, CP 30, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, 57 rue Cuvier, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France
Reptilia Nomenclature Onomatophore Nucleospecies Nominal species Spelling Type species Prenucleospecies Trimeresurus Trimeresurus viridis Cryptelytrops Trimeresurus insularis New synonym


This paper analyzes the consequences of the non-respect of the Rules of the Code to ascertain the valid subsequent designation of the nucleospecies (type species) of the nominal genus Trimeresurus Lacépède, 1804. The long accepted designation was invalid because it was based on a nominal species which was not among the prenucleospecies (originally included species) of the nominal genus. In contrast with the commonly accepted viewpoint which makes the Indian taxon Coluber gramineus Shaw, 1802 the nucleospecies of the genus, we show that this role is played by Trimeresurus viridis Lacépède, 1804, a species inhabiting the Lesser Sunda Islands and Timor and, as a nomen oblitum, a senior synonym of Trimeresurus albolabris insularis Kramer, 1977, a taxon now considered a distinct species. The important nomenclatural implications of this finding are discussed here, especially with regard to the recent splitting of the genus Trimeresurus. The generic nomen Trimeresurus should be associated with the Trimeresurus albolabris group of species currently placed in the genus or subgenus Cryptelytrops Cope, 1860. A lectophoront (lectotype) is selected and described for Trimeresurus viridis Lacépède, 1804. Coluber viridis Bechstein, 1802 is an invalid objective junior synonym of Coluber gramineus Shaw, 1802. The current content of the genus Trimeresurus and of its eight subgenera is provided. Some clarifications or improvements to the Code are suggested.


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    Kuhl, H. & Van Hasselt, J.C. (1822) Uittreksels uit brieven van de Heeren Kuhl en van Hasselt, aan de Heeren C. J. Temminck, Th. Van Swinderen en W. de Haan. Algemeene Konst en Letterbode, 1 (7), 99–104.

    Lacépède, B.G.E.L. (Comte de) (1804) Mémoire sur plusieurs animaux de la Nouvelle Hollande dont la description n’a pas encore été publiée. Annales du Muséum d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, 4, 184–211, Pl. 55–58.

    Lesson, R.-P. (1829–1831) Observations générales sur les reptiles recueillis dans le voyage de la corvette La Coquille. In: Duperrey, L.I. (Ed.), Voyage autour du monde, exécuté par ordre du Roi, sur la corvette de sa Majesté, La Coquille, pendant les années 1822, 1823, 1824, et 1825, Zoologie, Vol. II, A. Bertrand, Paris, 1–65 + 465, Pl. 1-7.

    Note. We follow here Zhao & Adler (1993: 381) for the dates of publication of the parts of this work: 1829, Plates 1, 3, 5–7; 1830, Plates 2 & 4, pages 1–24; 1831, Pages 25–65 & 465.

    Leviton, A.E. (1964) Contributions to a review of Philippine snakes. V. The snakes of the genus Trimeresurus. Philippine Journal of Science, 93 (2), 251–276

    Leviton, A.E. (1968) The venomous terrestrial snakes of East Asia, India, Malaya, and Indonesia. In: W. Bücherl, E.E. Buckley & V. Deulofeu (Ed.), Venomous animals and their venoms, Volume I, Venomous vertebrates, Academic Press, New York & London, 529–576.

    Lichtenstein, M.H.C. (1823) Verzeichniss der Doubletten des zoologischen Museums der Königl. Universität zu Berlin nebst Beschreibung vieler bisher unbekannten Arten von Säugethieren, Vögeln, Amphibien und Fischen. T. Trautwein, Berlin, x + 118 pp.

    Lichtenstein, H., Weinland, D. & Martens, E. von (1856) Nomenclator reptilium et amphibiorum Musei Zoologici Berolinensis. Namenverzeichniss der in der zoologischen Sammlung der Königlichen Universität zu Berlin aufgestellten Arten von Reptilien und Amphibien nach ihren Ordnungen, Familien und Gattungen. Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin, iv + 48 pp.

    Mahendra, B.C. (1984) Handbook of the snakes of India, Ceylon, Burma, Bangladesh and Pakistan. Annals of Zoology, Agra, (B), 22, i–xvi + 1–412.

    Maki, M. (1931) A monograph of the snakes in Japan. Dai-Ichi Shobo, Tokyo, Vol. I, (8 unnumbered pages) + 240 pp. [English text].

    Malhotra, A. & Thorpe, R.S. (2004a) A phylogeny of four mitochondrial gene regions suggests a revised taxonomy for Asian pitvipers (Trimeresurus and Ovophis). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 32 (1), 83–100.

    Malhotra, A. & Thorpe, R.S. (2004b) Reassessment of the validity and diagnosis of the pitviper Trimeresurus venustus Vogel, 1991. Herpetological Journal, London, 14, 21–33.

    Malhotra, A. & Thorpe, R.S. (2004c) Maximizing information in systematic revisions: a combined molecular and morphological analysis of a cryptic green pitviper complex (Trimeresurus stejnegeri). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 82, 219–235.

    Malhotra, A., Thorpe, R.S., Mrinalini & Stuart, B. L. (2011) Two new species of pitviper of the genus Cryptelytrops Cope 1860 (Squamata: Viperidae: Crotalinae) from Southeast Asia. Zootaxa, 2757, 1–23.

    Maslin, T.P. (1942) Evidence for the separation of the crotalid genera Trimeresurus and Bothrops, with a key to the genus Trimeresurus. Copeia, 1942 (1), 18–24.

    McDiarmid, R.W., Campbell, J.A. & Touré, T’S.A. (1999) Snake species of the world. A taxonomic and geographical reference. Volume 1. The Herpetologists’ League, Washington DC, xi + 511 pp.

    McKay, J.L. (2006) A field guide to the Amphibians and Reptiles of Bali. Krieger Publishing Company, Malabar, Florida, vii + 138 pp.

    Mell, R. (1922) Beiträge zur Fauna sinica. I Die Vertebraten Südchinas; Feldlisten und Feldnoten der Säuger, Vögel, Reptilien, Batrachier. Archiv für Naturgeschichte, Berlin, (A), 80 (10), 1–134.

    Merrem, B. (1820) Versuch eines Systems der Amphibien. Johann Christian Krieger, Marburg, xvi + 191 pp., 1 plate.

    Mertens, R. (1930) Die Amphibien und Reptilien der Inseln Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa und Flores (Beiträge zur Fauna der Kleinen Sunda-Inseln, I). Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, 42 (3), 115–344, Pl. 1–9.

    Meuschen, F.C. (1778) Museum Gronovianum, sive Index Rerum Naturalium tam Mammalium, Amphibiorum, Piscium, Insectorum, Conchyliorum, Zoophytorum, Plantarum et Mineralium Exquisitissimorum quam Artefactorum nonnullorum. Inter quae eminet Herbarium siccum Plantarum a Tournefortio, Claytonio, Linnaeo aliisque Botanicis collectarum. Quae omnia multa et magnis Sumptibus sibi comparavit Vir Amplissimus et Celeberrimus Laur. Theod. Gronovius. Lugduni Batavorum [Leyden], Theodorus Haak, 1–252 pp.

    Mocquard, F. (1915) Les genres Trimeresurus et Lachesis ne sont pas identiques. Bulletin du Muséum d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, 21 (4), 115–117.

    Müller, S. & Schlegel, H. (1845) Over de, in den Indischen Archipel voorkomende soorten van het slangengeslacht Trigonocephalus. In: C. J. Temminck (Ed.), Verhandelingen over de natuurlijke geschiedenis der Nederlandsche overzeesche bezittingen, door de Leden der Natuurkundige Commissie in Ost-Indië en andere Schrijvers, Zoologie, N° 7, Reptilia, S. & J. Luchtmans & C. C. Van der Hoek, Leiden, 49–58, Pl. 7 (1842).

    Note. The text on pitvipers is dated 1845, but the corresponding plate was published in 1842 (Plate 7, description of Trigonocephalus formosus). The complete part on Reptilia includes 72 pages text and 10 plates. It is divided into several chapters, each bearing a different title, and variously written by Müller & Schlegel or Schlegel & Müller. According to Zhao & Adler (1993: 398), the dates of publication of this part are as follows: 1839, Pages 1–8, Plates 1–3 ; 1840, Plate 4 ; 1841, Pages 9–28, Plates 5-6; 1842, Plate 7; 1843, Plates 8–10 ; 1845, Pages 29–72.

    Neave, S.A. (Ed.) (1940) Nomenclator zoologicus. Vol. IV. Q–Z and supplement. Zoological Society of London, London, iv + 758 pp.

    Oken, L. (1836) Allgemeine Naturgeschichte für alle Stände. Sechster Band, oder Thierreich, Dritter Band. Hoffmann’sche Verlags-Buchhandlung, v + 698 pp.

    Oppel, M. (1811a) Suite du Ier. mémoire sur la classification des reptiles. Annales du Muséum d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, 16, 376–393.

    Oppel, M. (1811b) Die Ordnungen, Familien und Gattungen der Reptilien als Prodrom einer Naturgeschichte derselben. Joseph Lindauer, München, xii + 71 pp.

    Orlov, N., Ananjeva, N., Barabanov, A., Ryabov, S. & Khalikov, R. (2002a) Diversity of vipers (Azemiopinae, Crotalinae) in East, Southeast, and South Asia: annotated checklist and natural history data (Reptilia: Squamata: Serpentes: Viperidae). In: Fritz, U. (Ed.), Collectanea Herpetologica, Essays in honour of Fritz Jürgen Obst, Faunistische Abhandlungen Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde Dresden, 23 (10), 177–218.

    Orlov, N., Ananjeva, N. & Khalikov, R. (2002b) Natural history of Pitvipers in eastern and southeastern Asia. In: Schuett, G.W., Höggren, M., Douglas, M.E. & Greene, H.W. (Ed.), Biology of the Vipers, Eagle Mountain Publishing, Eagle Mountain, Utah, 345–359.

    O’Shea, M. (2005) Venomous snakes of the world. New Holland Publishers (UK) Ltd, London–Cape Town–Sidney–Auckland, 160 pp.

    Ouwens, P.A. (1916) De voornaamste giftslangen van Nederlandsch Oost-Indië. Met een verhandeling over de verschijnselen en over de behandeling van giftigen slangenbeet door Dr. G. W. Kieweit de Jonge. E. J. Brill, Leiden, 1–22, (1), Pl. 1–19.

    Peters, W.C.H. (1862) Über die craniologischen Verschiedenheiten der Grubenottern (Trigonocephali) und über eine neue Art der Gattung Bothriechis. Monatsberichte der königlich Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1862 (December), 670–674.

    Peters, W.C.H. (1872) Übersicht der von den Herren G. Doria und D.r O. Beccari in Sarawack auf Borneo von 1865 bis 1868 gesammelten Amphibien. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, (1), 3, 27–45, Pl. 2–6.

    Pope, C.H. & Pope, S.H. (1933) A study of the green pit-vipers of southeastern Asia and Malaysia, commonly identified as Trimeresurus gramineus (Shaw), with description of a new species from Peninsular India. American Museum Novitates, 620, 1–12.

    Raffles, T.S. (1822) Second part of the descriptive catalogue of a zoological collection made in the island of Sumatra and its vicinity. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, 13 (2), 277–340.

    Rafinesque, C.S. (1815) Analyse de la nature ou Tableau de l’univers et des corps organisés. Jean Barravecchia, Palerme, 124, 1 plate.

    Regenass, U. & Kramer, E. (1981) Zur Systematik der grünen Grubenottern der Gattung Trimeresurus (Serpentes, Crotalidae). Revue suisse de Zoologie, 88 (1), 163–205.

    Rigondet, G. (2002) François Péron 1775-1810 et l’expédition du commandant Nicolas Baudin. Les Français à la découverte de l’Australie. Editions des Cahiers Bourbonnais, Charroux (Allier, France), 319 pp (+ 4 unnumbered pages).

    Ritgen, F. A. (1828) Versuch einer natürlichen Eintheilung der Amphibien. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen Akademie der Naturforscher, 6, 247–284.

    Roux-Estève, R. (1979) Liste des Amphibiens et Reptiles des collections du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris, récoltés par Lesueur (1778–1846). Bulletin trimestriel de la Société de Géologie de Normandie et des Amis du Muséum du Havre, 66 (3), 25–29.

    Ruiz, J. (1952) Sobre a distincão genérica dos Crotalidae (Ophidia: Crotaloidea) baseada em alguns caracteres osteológicos (Nota preliminar). Memórias do Instituto Butantan, 23, 109–114.

    Rüppell, E. (1845) Verzeichniss der in dem Museum der Senckenbergischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft aufgestellten Sammlungen. Dritte Abtheilung: Amphibien. Verh. Mus. Senckenberg, 3, 295–316.

    Russell, P. (1796) An account of Indian Serpentes collected on the coast of Coromandel; containing descriptions and drawings of each species, together with experiments and remarks on their several poisons. Presented to the Hon. The Court of the East India Company, and published by their order, under the Superintendence of the author, George Nicol, London, viii + 91 pp., Pl. 1–46.

    Russell, P. (1801–1809) A continuation of an account of Indian Serpents; containing descriptions and figures from specimens and drawings, transmitted from various parts of India. Presented to the Hon. The Court of the East India Company, and published by their order, under the Superintendence of the author. G. & W. Nicol London, v + xv + 53 pp. (+ 4 unnumbered pages), Pl. 1–45.

    Note. According to Zhao & Adler (1993: 396), this book was published in five sections, as follows: Section 1, 1801: pages i–v, 1–12, plates 1–10; Section 2, 1802: pages 13–20, plates 11–18; Section 3, 1804: pages 21–28, plates 19–24; Section 4, 1807: pages 29–38, plates 25–32; Section 5, 1809 (in fact probably 1810): pages ix–xv, 39-53, (4), portrait, plates 33–45. See Zhao & Adler (1993) for additional information about this work.

    Sabrosky, C.W. (1999) Family-group names in Diptera. An annotated catalogue. Myia, 10, 1–576.

    Saint Girons, H. (1972) Les serpents du Cambodge. Mémoires du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, (Nouvelle série), (A, Zoologie), 74, 1–170, Pl. 1–42.

    Sanders, K.L., Malhotra, A. & Thorpe, R.S. (2004) Ecological diversification in a group of Indomalayan Pitvipers (Trimeresurus): convergence in taxonomically important traits has implications for species identification. Journal of evolutionary Biology, 17, 721–731.

    Schätti, B. & Perret, J.-L. (1997) Catalogue révisé des types d'amphibiens et de reptiles du Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Genève. Revue suisse de Zoologie, 104(2), 357–370.

    Schinz, H.R. (1833-1835) Naturgeschichte und Abbildungen der Reptilien. Nach den neuesten Systemen zum gemeinnützigen Gebrauche entworfen und mit Berücksichtigung für den Unterricht der Jugend bearbeitet. Nach der Natur und dem vorzüglichsten Originalien gezeichnet und lithographirt von K. J. Brodtmann. Des Thierreichs dritter Theil. Brodtman Lithographischer Anhalt, Shaffhausen, iv + 240, pp., Pl. 1–102.

    Note. A discussion on the dates of publication of this work, initially published in 17 fascicules, appeared in David & Ineich (1999). Pages 97–198 were published in 1834.

    Schlegel, H. (1826) Notice sur l’erpétologie de l’Ile de Java; par M. Boïé. (Ouvrage manuscrit). Bulletin universel des Sciences et de l’Industrie de Férussac (Section II du Bulletin des Sciences naturelles et de Géologie), 9 (2), 233–240.

    Schlegel, H. (1827) Erpetologische Nachrichten. Isis von Oken, 20 (3), col. 281–294.

    Schlegel, H. (1837) Essai sur la physionomie des serpens. II. Partie descriptive. J. Kips, H. Hz. & W. P. Van Stockhum, The Hague, 606 + xv pp. Atlas, (2 unnumbered pages), Pl. 1–21, 3 maps, 2 tables + (2 unnumbered pages).

    Sclater, W.L. (1891) List of snakes in the Indian Museum. The Indian Museum, Calcutta, x + 79 pp.

    Seba, A. (1735) Locupletissimi Rerum Naturalium Thesauri Accurata Descriptio, et Iconibus Artificiosissimus Expressio, per Universam Physices Historiam. Opus, cui, in hoc Rerum Genere, Nullum Par Existit. Ex Toto Terrarum Orbe Collegit, Digessit, Descripsit, et Depingendum Curavit. Tomus II. Janssonio-Waesbergios, J. Wetstenium & Gul. Smith Amstelaedami [Amsterdam], (2 unnumbered pages) + (30 unnumbered pages) + 154 pp., Pl. 1–114.

    Shaw, G. (1802) General zoology, or systematic natural history. Vol. III. Part II. Amphibia. G. Kearsley, London, i–vii + 313–615, Pl. 87–140.

    [Reprinted in 1999 by the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Ithaca, New York].

    Simpson, G.G. (1940) Types in modern taxonomy. American Journal of Science, 238, 413–431.

    Smith, M.A. (1943) The Fauna of British India, Ceylon and Burma, including the whole of the Indo-chinese subregion. Reptilia and Amphibia. Vol. III, Serpentes. Taylor & Francis, London, xii + 583.

    Stejneger, L.H. (1907) Herpetology of Japan and adjacent territory. Bulletin of the United States national Museum, 58, i–xx + 1–577, Pl. 1–35.

    Stejneger, L.H. (1927) The Green pit viper, Trimeresurus gramineus, in China. Proceedings of the United States national Museum, 72 (19), 1–10.

    Stoliczka, F. (1870) Observations on some Indian and Malayan Amphibia and Reptilia. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 39 (2), 134–228, Pl. 8–12.

    Swainson, W. (1839) On the natural history and classification of Fishes, Amphibians, and Reptiles. Vol. II. Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, & Longmans, and John Taylor, London, vi + 452 pp.

    Takara, T. (1962) Studies on terrestrial snakes in the Ryukyu Archipelago. The Science Bulletin of the Division of Agriculture, Home Economics and Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, 9 (1), 1–202, Pl. 1–22. (In Japanese, English summary).

    Taylor, E.H. (1965) The serpents of Thailand and adjacent waters. University of Kansas Science Bulletin, 45 (9), 609–1096.

    Theobald, W. (1868) Catalogue of Reptiles in the Museum of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1866. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 88 (37), 1–88 + i–iii, Pl. 1–4.

    Theobald, W. (1876) Descriptive catalogue of the Reptiles of British India. Thacker, Spink & Co., Calcutta, x + 238 + xxxviii + xiii, pp., Pl. 1.

    Traill, T.S. (1843) Essay of the physiognomy of Serpents. By H. Schlegel, doctor in Philosophy, Conservator of the Museum of the Netherlands, member of several learned societies. Translated by Thos. Stewart Traill, M.D., F.R.S.E., Regius Professor of Medical jurisprudence in the University of Edinburgh, &c. &c., Maclachlan, Stewart & Company, Edinburgh, vii + 254 pp., Corrigenda, Pl. 1–2.

    Ulber, T.M. (Ed.) (1993) Boie, 1827. Bemerkungen über Merrem’s Versuch eines Systems der Amphibien, Marburg. 1820. Erste Lieferung: Ophidier. / Remarks on Merrem’s Attempt of a System of the Amphibians, Marburg, by Friedrich Boie of Kiel. 1st instalment. Ophidians. Herprint International, Bredell (South Africa), Appendix, 323–380.

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