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Type: Articles
Published: 2011-11-29
Page range: 49–58
Abstract views: 110
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Repeatability and precision in proboscis length measurements for long proboscid flies

Department of Entomology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, 27695-7613
Diptera Proboscis long-tongued fly Tabanidae Nemestrinidae measurement morphology co-divergence pollination ecology


Methods for measuring proboscides in long-tongued fly pollinators are examined with respect to fly morphology and behavior. Most ecological studies aim to measure the functional proboscis length as a response or predictor variable. Here I suggest a proxy for this, the Maximum Functional Length (MFL), obtained by combining the lengths of the prementum and labrum. I also quantify errors in proboscis measurements due to a lack of consideration of the extensible ventral rostral membrane (VRM). Results show that naïve measurements allow for substantial unrepeatable variation (mean: 7mm; maximum 14mm).


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