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Type: Articles
Published: 2011-12-16
Page range: 53–62
Abstract views: 75
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Eviota rubriceps, a new goby from the Southwestern Pacific Ocean, with comments on E. mikiae and E. raja (Teleostei: Gobiidae)

Research Associate, Department of Ichthyology, California Academy of Sciences, 55 Music Concourse Dr., Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California 94118-4503, and Emeritus Professor, University of Hawaii. Mailing address: 944 Egan Ave., Pacific Grove, CA 93950
2920 Rosemary Lane, Falls Church, VA 22042-1814
Fish Ichthyology systematics Gobiidae Eviota new species pygmygoby dwarfgoby S.W. Pacific Ocean


A new species of goby, Eviota rubriceps, most similar to E. nigrispina, is described from Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and the Philippine Islands. Both species have the lower two thirds of the body dark in preserved specimens, belong to the cephalic sensory-pore pattern group 2 of Lachner and Karnella (1980), have an 8/7 dorsal/anal formula, and unbranched pectoral-fin rays. Eviota rubriceps differs from E. nigrispina in live and preserved coloration and in caudal-peduncle depth. The descriptions of E. mikiae and E. raja are expanded based on additional materials.


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