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Type: Articles
Published: 2005-06-28
Page range: 53–60
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Dacochile microsoma Poinar & Brown, not a tanyderid but a bruchomyiine psychodid (Diptera: Psychodidae, Tanyderidae)

Systematic Entomology Lab-PSI, ARS, USDA, c/o Smithsonian Institution NHB-168, Washington, DC 20560-0168
Diptera Tanyderidae Psychodidae Bruchomyiinae fossil Burmese amber


A review of the characters used by Poinar & Brown (2004) to place their new fossil fly from Burmese amber, Dacochile microsoma, in the family Tanyderidae conclusively demonstrates that the fly actually belongs to the subfamily Bruchomyiinae in the family Psychodidae.


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