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Type: Articles
Published: 2007-07-19
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Taxonomic status of the genus Spermophilus (Mammalia: Rodentia) in Turkey and Iran with description of a new species

Kırşehir Education Faculty, Ahi Evran University, Kırşehir, Turkey
Department of Biology, Science & Arts Faculty, Zonguldak Karaelmas University, 67100, Zonguldak, Turkey
Department of Biology, Science Faculty, Ankara University, 06100, Beşevler, Ankara, Turkey
Department of Biology, Science & Arts Faculty, Zonguldak Karaelmas University, 67100, Zonguldak, Turkey
Department of Biology, Science Faculty, Ankara University, 06100, Beşevler, Ankara, Turkey
Department of Biology, Science Faculty, Zanjan University, Zanjan, Iran
Department of Biology, Science Faculty, Ankara University, 06100, Beşevler, Ankara, Turkey
Spermophilus citellus Spermophilus xanthoprymnus Spermophilus fulvus Spermophilus torosensis sp. nov. sousliks karyology morphology nonmetric characters Turkey Iran


We report a new species of Spermophilus ( Rodentia: Sciuridae), here designated as S. torosensis sp. nov., distributed in the Taurus Mountains in southern Anatolia, Turkey. A total of 161 specimens of the genus Spermophilus from Turkey and Iran were analyzed for their morphological, morphometric, and karyological characteristics. Uni- and multi-variate statistical analyses of morphologic data for 95 adult specimens yielded 4 distinct groups. Taxonomic evaluations classified the specimens into 4 species Spermophilus citellus, S. xanthopymnus, S. fulvus and S. torosensis sp. nov. Morphometrics, coat coloration, a brush-shaped tail, and a NFa value of 72 are diagnostic characters that distinguish S. torosensis sp. nov. from the other species. In Turkey, S. torosensis sp. nov. was found in 6 locations. The karyotype of S. fulvus also is described for the first time as 2n= 36, NFa= 70 and NFa= 66; new karyotypic data is reported for S. xanthoprymnus from Iran and Turkey.


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