A list of Cicadellidae (leafhoppers) of Iran is provided based primarily on literature records from 1902 to the present. In total 390 species are recorded from 13 subfamilies. Ninety three of the recorded species are considered to be endemic to Iran. The current accepted name is given for each species together with synonyms and literature citations relating to Iran. Selenocephalus darei is recognized as a published misspelling for Selenocephalus dareicus Dlabola, 1981. There is no evidence that the Nearctic species Empoasca fabae (Harris, 1841) and Erythroneura comes (Say, 1825) have been found in Iran; previous records appear to have been based on misidentifications. A brief distribution of species within Iran is provided.
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Abdollahi, T., Mozaffarian, F. & Jalali Zand, A.R. (2013) Key to the subfamilies of Cicadellidae (Hem: Auchenorryncha) in East Azarbaijan province, Iran and two new records for the region. Applied Plant Protection, 2 (2), 147–155. [In Persian with English abstract]
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Abdollahi, T., Jalili-Zand, A.R. & Mozaffarian, F. (2014c) The first report of Macrosteles chobauti (Hem., Cicadellidae) from Iran. Journal of Entomological Society of Iran, 34 (2), 27–28.
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Bagheri, M.R. & Nasr Isfahani, M. (2008) The fauna of harmful and beneficial arthropods of medicinal and range plants in Isfahan. Journal of Entomological Research, 3 (2), 119–132.
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Dlabola, J. (1963b) Zwei neue Erythroneura Arten an der Weinrebe. Reichenbachia, 1, 309–313.
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