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Published: 2012-01-04
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Pontoniinae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) from Brazil with taxonomic key

Laboratório de Oceanografia Biológica, IG/UFPA, Av. Augusto Corrêa, 01 - Guamá, Belém, CEP: 66075-110, Pará, Brasil
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Oceanografia Biológica, FURG; bolsista CNPq
Laboratório de Crustáceos Decapódos, Instituto de Oceanografia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Av. Itália, Km 8, Caixa Postal 474, 96201-900, Rio Grande, RS, Brazil
Crustacea Caridea Palaemonidae Pontoniinae identification key taxonomy systematics Brazil


The subfamily Pontoniinae is represented by 116 genera in the world, of which Ancylomenes, Cuapetes, Holthuisaeus, Lipkebe, Neopontonides, Periclimenaeus, Periclimenes, Pontonia, Pseudocoutierea, Pseudopontonides, Typton, and Urocaris occur in Brazilian coast waters. This study presents distributional information, currents taxonomic and an identification key for species of Pontoniinae that occur in Brazilian coast.


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