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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-01-18
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Revision of the genus Adelostoma (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Part 1: subgenus Zarudnionymus Semenov & Bogatchev, 1947

Mendel University in Brno, Department of Forest Ecology, Zemědělská 3, CZ- 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Coleoptera Taxonomy Tenebrionidae Adelostomini Adelostoma Zarudnionymus key new subspecies synonymy lectotype distribution


The subgenus Zarudnionymus Semenov & Bogatchev, 1947 of the genus Adelostoma Duponchel, 1827 is revised. A. ab-yssinicum obockensis subsp. nov. is described from Djibouti. Adelostoma grandicolle Fairmaire, 1890 syn. nov. from Ka-maran Island (Yemen) is synonymised with A. batesi Haag-Rutenberg, 1872 (Yemen). Lectotypes and paralectotypes aredesignated for A. abyssinicum abyssinicum Haag-Rutenberg, 1872, A. batesi Haag-Rutenberg, 1872 and A. grande Haag-Rutenberg, 1879. Habitus photographs and the key for all known species and subspecies of the subgenus Zarudnionymus are presented, together with distribution map.


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