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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-01-19
Page range: 39–63
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Review of the bryozoan genus Bryopesanser Tilbrook, 2006 (Escharinidae: Cheilostomata) with the description of 11 new species

Museum of Tropical Queensland, 70-102 Flinders Street, Townsville, Queensland, 4810, Australia
Lophophorata Bryozoa review Bryopesanser new species Indo-Pacific Atlantic Caribbean


Geographically widespread material originally assigned to the Floridan species Bryopesanser pesanseris (Smitt, 1873)was thoroughly examined and found to mask a hitherto unknown diversity. Smitt’s (1873) species has previously beennoted as “well-known and widely distributed” but this is not the case. This paper reviews the species previously assignedto Bryopesanser Tilbrook, 2006 (B. pesanseris, B. capitaneus, B. grandicella, and B. latesco) and describes 11 new species(B. tonsillorum n. sp., B. gardineri n. sp., B. puncturella n. sp., B. thricyng n. sp., B. ascendosolaris n. sp., B. ecphyma-totes n. sp., B. hebelomaia n. sp., B. lobiones n. sp., B. crebricollis n. sp., B. baderae n. sp., B. tiara n. sp.). All the Bry-opesanser species are, to a greater or lesser extent, geographically limited in their distribution. However, two species aremore widespread than the rest and truly Indo-Pacific in their distribution: B. latesco is recorded from the Red Sea, acrossthe Indo-Pacific to the Caribbean coast of Panama; B. tonsillorum n.sp. is even more broadly distributed, from Sri Lanka and Indonesia to the Pacific coast of Colombia and also West Africa.


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