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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-01-19
Page range: 34–40
Abstract views: 92
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Suctorian ciliates (Ciliophora, Suctorea) as epibionts of stream-dwelling aquatic beetles (Coleoptera) and water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) in the southwestern Palaearctic region

Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, B. Khmelnitsky str., 15, 01601, Kiev, Ukraine
Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Montenegro, Cetinjski put b.b., 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro
Acari aquatic beetles water mites suctorian ciliates epibiont lotic ecosystems


Based on original data from recent research, numerous new records of the suctorian species living as epibionts on stream-dwelling aquatic beetles (Coleoptera) and water mites (Acari, Hydrachnidia) in the southwestern Palaearctic area are giv-en. The following species are reported for the first time for the national faunas: Setodiscophrya deplanata (Matthes, 1954)(Bosnia and Hercegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey), Discophrya helmidis Matthes, 1954 (Montenegro, Tur-key), Elatodiscophrya hochi (Matthes, 1954) (Bosnia and Hercegovina, Turkey), Periacineta buckei (Kent, 1881) (Mon-tenegro, Greece), Discophrya lichtensteinii (Claparede & Lachmann, 1859) (Turkey, Iran). The characteristics of the suctorians as epibionts of stream-dwelling arthropods are briefly outlined.


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