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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-01-24
Page range: 55–63
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Additional Tardigrada from Hubei Province, China, with the description of Doryphoribius barbarae sp. nov. (Eutardigrada: Parachela: Hypsibiidae)

Department of Biology, McMurry University, Abilene, Texas, 79697, U.S.A.
Department of Biology, Baker University, Baldwin City, Kansas 66006, U.S.A
Eutardigrada Tardigrade taxonomy faunal list


Previous papers have reported eleven species of Tardigrada from Hubei Province, and this paper more than doubles that number to 23 species, which includes five new records for China, one new record for mainland China, and one species new to science. Doryphoribius barbarae sp. nov. (evelinae group), has two macroplacoids, no microplacoid, nine rows of gibbosities (IX: 2-4-4-4-4-6-4-4-2), cuticle and gibbosities with irregularly shaped and arranged tubercles. It differs from similar species in the number of rows and the number of gibbosities per row, the cuticular pattern, or the size of the macroplacoids. Other species reported from Hubei Province are Cornechiniscus lobatus, Echiniscus cf. perviridis, E. reticulatus, E. viridissimus, Pseudechiniscus cf. papillosus, Doryphoribius huangguoshuensis, D. qinlingense, D. taiwanus, Astatumen bartosi, Paramacrobiotus cf. lorenae, M. mauccii, and Tenuibiotus tenuiformis.


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