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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-01-25
Page range: 1–36
Abstract views: 107
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Studies in Australian Tettigoniidae: New genera and species from North Queensland (Tettigoniidae; Conocephalinae; Armadillagraeciini trib. nov. and Agraeciini; Listroscelidinae; Requenini)

19 Butler Dr, Kuranda, Queensland, Australia 4881
90 Mugga Way, Red Hill, ACT, Australia 2603
1435-1 Kubo-cho Matsusaka, Mie 515-004, Japan
Orthoptera Conocephalinae Armadillagraeciini Listroscelidinae Requenini Australian katydids katydid cytology


A new tribe of the Conocephalinae, Armadillagraeciini Rentz, Su, Ueshima is described to include three known Australiangenera: Armadillagraecia, Kapalgagraecia and Lichenagraecia gen. nov. Lichenagraecia gen. nov. is the eastern repre-sentative of the tribe, the others from the Northern Territory, northern Western Australia and western Queensland. Threenew genera in the tribe Agraeciini are described from the rainforests of north-eastern Queensland, Australia. Ingrischa-graecia gen. nov. is known from a single species, I. iterika sp. nov. Emeraldagraecia gen. nov. is known from two spe-cies, E. munggarifrons and E. windsorana spp. nov. Miniagraecia gen. nov. is described from two species: M. milyali andM. goorijupa spp. nov. In the Listroscelidinae; Requenini, a new species of the previously monotypic genus Xingbaoia,X. irvineorum sp. nov. is described from two localities in peril from repeated prescribed burning. Distribution maps, keys, measurements, song patterns and cytological observations are provided for most species.


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