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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-01-27
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Syrphidae (Diptera) from the Greek island of Lesvos, with description of two new species

National Museums Scotland, 242 West Granton Road, Edinburgh EH5 1JA, Scotland, UK
University of Novi Sad, Department of Biology and Ecology, Trg Dositeja Obradovica 2, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia
National Museums Scotland, 242 West Granton Road, Edinburgh EH5 1JA, Scotland, UK
National Museums Scotland, 242 West Granton Road, Edinburgh EH5 1JA, Scotland, UK
University of Glasgow, Zoology Museum, Graham Kerr Building, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK
St Elmo Guest House, 64 Hilton Drive, Aberdeen AB24 4NP
Tullie House Museum, Castle Street, Carlisle CA3 8TP
National Museums Scotland, 242 West Granton Road, Edinburgh EH5 1JA, Scotland, UK
National Museums Scotland, 242 West Granton Road, Edinburgh EH5 1JA, Scotland, UK
Diptera fauna Merodon Eumerus armatus sp. nov. Eumerus claripennis Sphiximorpha hiemalis sp. nov. Greece Agiasos sweet chestnut forest


The results of the hoverfly (Syrphidae) collection by the ‘Malloch Society’ on the Greek island of Lesvos are presented.Fieldwork took place from February to March 2006 and from May to June 2010. An account of 66 species from 28 generais provided including two species new to science, five species new to Greece and data for several rarely recorded species.We describe Eumerus armatus Ricarte and Rotheray sp. nov., a medium size species with red abdomen. We also describeSphiximorpha hiemalis Ricarte, Nedeljković and Hancock sp. nov., a hairy species with distinctive colour and pollinositypatterns and abdomen shape. The female of Eumerus claripennis Coe, 1957 is described and the male genitalia are figured.The majority of species encountered belonged to the typically Mediterranean genera Eumerus (8 spp.), Merodon (16 spp.)and Paragus (6 spp.). Approximately 71% of the recorded species also occur in Turkey. This supports the idea that West Mediterranean and Anatolian faunas overlap in Lesvos.


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