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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-02-15
Page range: 28–52
Abstract views: 124
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New species and revalidations of scarab beetles (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae: Athyreini and Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) from Costa Rica and Panama

Universidad EARTH, Apdo. 4442-1000, San José, Costa Rica
INBio, Apdo. 22-3100, Santo Domingo de Heredia, Costa Rica
Coleoptera Geotrupidae Scarabaeidae Ateuchus Athyreus Coprophanaeus Deltochilum Onthophagus new species revalidation Costa Rica Panama


The following new species of geotrupids and scarabs from Costa Rica and Panama are described: Athyreus gulesserianinew species, Ateuchus alutacius new species (the first recorded brachypterous Ateuchus species), Coprophanaeus geph-yra new species, Deltochilum acanthus new species, and Onthophagus turgidus new species. The following two speciesof Coprophanaeus are revalidated: C. kohlmanni Arnaud and C. uhleri Malý & Pokorný. Illustrations of the dorsal habitus of the new species are provided, as well as distribution maps for all species.


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