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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-02-24
Page range: 53–62
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Two new species of Abrolophus (Acari: Erythraeidae) from Montenegro

Department of Plant Protection, College of Agriculture, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran
Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Montenegro, Cetinjski put b.b., 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro
Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Montenegro, Cetinjski put b.b., 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro
College of Agriculture, Shahrood University of Technology, Shahrood, Iran
Acari Abrolophus larva Parasitengona Prostigmata A. iraninejadi A. khanjanii A. welbourni A. humberti A. aitapensis


Abrolophus montenegrinus Saboori, Šundić & Pešić sp. nov. and Abrolophus petanovicae Saboori, Šundić & Pešić sp.nov. are described and illustrated from larvae on grasses (no host arthropod) from Montenegro. New data for some other Abrolophus species are provided.


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