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Published: 2012-02-24
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A revision of the subgenus Eurycercus (Eurycercus) Baird, 1843 emend. nov. (Cladocera: Eurycercidae) in the Holarctic with the description of a new species from Alaska

A. N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Leninsky Prospect 33, Moscow 119071, Russia
A. N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Leninsky Prospect 33, Moscow 119071, Russia
Department of Biological Sciences, The State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260, USA
Crustacea Branchiopoda Anomopoda taxonomy new species revision


Frey (1975) subdivided the genus Eurycercus Baird, 1843 (Cladocera: Eurycercidae) into three subgenera: E. (Eurycer-cus) s.str., E. (Bullatifrons) Frey, 1975 and E. (Teretifrons) Frey, 1975. We conducted a revision of the subgenera Eurycer-cus (Eurycercus) and E. (Bullatifrons) in the Holarctic based on the morphology of parthenogenetic females and aphylogeny of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI ) sequences. The following six species are found to be valid: E. lamel-latus (O. F. Müller, 1776); E. macracanthus Frey, 1973; E. pompholygodes Frey, 1975; E. microdontus Frey, 1978; E. lon-girostris Hann, 1982; E. nipponica Tanaka & Fujuta, 2002. The separation of E. vernalis Hann, 1982 from E. longirostrislacks morphological and genetic justification, so E. vernalis is a junior synonym of E. longirostris. A new species, E. ber-ingi sp. nov., was found in several localities in Alaska, U.S.A. Its characters are intermediate between two subgenera sensuFrey (1975): a median keel is expressed, but only in the posterior portion of the carapace dorsum (while it is absent in E.(Bullatifrons) and passes through all the dorsum in Eurycercus s.str.); the dorsal head pores are located on the bubble-likeprojection (a character of the subgenus E (Bullatifrons), but the latter is sitting on a prominent transverse fold (character ofthe subgenus Eurycercus s.str.). The COI tree also does not support separation of the subgenus E. (Bullatifrons) from E. (Eu-rycercus), while separation of E. (Teretifrons) is well-supported. So, we propose to avoid a separation of E. (Bullatifrons) andregard all the species previously placed there as belonging to the subgenus E. (Eurycercus) emend. nov. We also demonstrat-ed that E. macracanthus, E. pompholigodes, E. longirostris and E. nipponica have much broader distributional ranges than previously known.


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