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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-03-02
Page range: 54–61
Abstract views: 87
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Indophyes yaromi, a new genus and species of Nanophyidae (Curculionoidea) from southern India

Department of Zoology, The George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel
Coleoptera taxonomy description weevils


A new monobasic genus of Nanophyidae, Indophyes, and a new species, I. yaromi, are described from southern India (type locality: Karnataka, Bilukoppa, 800 m, 40 km W Mudigere). The new genus is characterized by 5-segmented antennal funicle, strong sexual dimorphism of the rostrum, dentate femora, male tibiae unarmed, abdominal suture IV distinct in both sexes, male pygidium not foveate and 8th elytral interstria not crenulate.  The subulate form of rostrum—abruptly narrowed apically—is unusual among the Nanophyidae.


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