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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-03-05
Page range: 37–47
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Hyper-validation of five nomina of amphibians and reptiles threatened by senior synonyms or homonyms

Reptiles & Amphibiens, UMR 7205 OSEB, Département Systématique & Evolution, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, CP 30, 25 rue Cuvier, 75005 Paris, France
Reptiles & Amphibiens, UMR 7205 OSEB, Département Systématique & Evolution, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, CP 30, 25 rue Cuvier, 75005 Paris, France
General Junior synonym junior homonym Article 23.9.1 of the Code references direct evidence indirect evidence validation hyper-validation


Five nomina of amphibians and reptiles introduced by Laurenti (1768) and traditionally used in European herpetology (Hyla,Natrix, Lacerta viridis, Podarcis muralis, Triturus cristatus) are threatened by senior synonyms or homonyms published earlierby Garsault (1764) in a work that has long remained unnoticed by herpetologists. In a previous paper, we used Article 23.9.1 ofthe Code on reversal of precedence to validate these well-known nomina. The validity of our action was challenged because wehad only used indirect evidence for this validation, quoting a single reference for each of these five nomina instead of 25. Herewe argue that our action was indeed valid under the Code, but, to preclude any further discussion, we provide 25 references or more to the use of each of these five nomina in order to “hyper-validate” them.


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