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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-03-05
Page range: 46–60
Abstract views: 83
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The species of Priopoda Holmgren (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) from China with a key to species known in Oriental and Eastern Palaearctic Regions

General Station of Forest Pest Management, State Forestry Administration, Shenyang, Liaoning, 110034, P.R. China
General Station of Forest Pest Management, State Forestry Administration, Shenyang, Liaoning, 110034, P.R. China
Hymenoptera Ctenopelmatinae taxonomy Priopoda new species China Oriental Region Eastern Palaearctic Region


Nine species of Priopoda Holmgren, 1856, are reported from China. Five, Priopoda biconcava Sheng & Sun, sp.n., P.dentata Sheng & Sun, sp.n., P. dorsopuncta Sheng & Sun, sp.n., P. nigrifacialis Sheng & Sun, sp.n. and P. uniconcavaSheng & Sun, sp.n. collected from Jiangxi Province, situated in the northern border of the Oriental part of China, are newto science. Two, Priopoda owaniensis (Uchida, 1930) and P. sachalinensis (Uchida, 1930), are new records for China. A key to species of Priopoda Holmgren known in Oriental and Eastern Palaearctic Region is provided.


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