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Type: Articles
Published: 2005-05-25
Page range: 1–12
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Two new species of Agauopsis (Halacaridae, Acari) from Southeastern Brazil

Centro de Biologia Marinha da Universidade de São Paulo - Rodovia Manoel Hipólito do Rego, km 131,5; São Sebastião - SP; CEP 11600-000, Brazil Departamento de Zoologia – Instituto de Biociências da Universidade de São Paulo
Centro de Biologia Marinha da Universidade de São Paulo - Rodovia Manoel Hipólito do Rego, km 131,5; São Sebastião - SP
Acari Halacaridae Agauopsis Brazil Southwestern Atlantic


Mites belonging to two new species of Agauopsis (Halacaridae, Acari) were obtained from seaweed, coarse sand and coarse shell debris taken from several sites in Northern Coast of São Paulo State. Agauopsis legionium sp. nov., which belongs to the brevipalpus group and Agauopsis itassussensis sp. nov., closely related to A. okinavensis Bartsch, 1986 are described.


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