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Type: Monograph
Published: 2005-05-23
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Alterosa, a new caddisfly genus from Brazil (Trichoptera: Philopotamidae)

Department of Entomology, University of Minnesota, 1980 Folwell Ave., Room 219, St. Paul, Minnesota, 55108, U.S.A.
Trichoptera Philopotamidae Philopotaminae Dolophilodes Sortosa Thylakion Sisko Fumonta Alterosa new genus new species new status new combination caddisfly Neotropics Brazil


The subgenera of Dolophilodes (Trichoptera: Philopotamidae), as recognized by Ross (1956), are reconsidered. Sortosa Navás 1918, Thylakion Barnard 1934, Fumonta Ross 1956, and Sisko Ross 1956 are elevated to generic status, and an additional genus, Alterosa, is established to include 2 described species, Dolophilodes (Sortosa) sanctipauli Flint 1971 and Dolophilodes (Sortosa) marinonii Almeida & Duarte 2003, and 20 new species, all from southern or southeastern Brazil. New species described in Alterosa include: Alterosa beckeri, A. bocainae, A. boraceiae, A. caparaonensis, A. escova, A. falcata, A. fimbriata, A. fluminensis, A. flinti, A. guapimirim, A. holzenthali, A. intervales, A. itatiaiae, A. jordaensis, A. orgaosensis, A. paprockii, A. sanctaeteresae, A. schadrackorum, A. tripuiensis, and A. truncata. Alterosa bocainae is designated the type species for the genus. Species recognized as belonging to Sortosa include, in their original combinations: Dolophilodes angulatus Schmid 1964, D. appendiculatus Flint 1967, D. bifidus Flint 1970, D. bispinosus Flint 1967, Sortosa chilensis Navás 1918, D. duplex Schmid 1964, D. dupliplex Flint 1983, S. edwardi Ross 1956, D. elongatus Schmid 1964, D. elongatoides Flint 1967, S. flavipunctatus Schmid 1955, S. michelbacheri Ross 1956, D paxilliferus Flint 1970, S. pectinifera Schmid 1958, D. prolixus Flint 1983, D. scopulus Flint 1983, D. spectabilis Flint 1983, S. spinifera Schmid 1958, D. spinosellus Flint 1970, and D. ventricostus Flint 1983. Species recognized as belonging to Thylakion include, in their original combinations: Dolophilodes crenophilus Jacquemart and Statzner 1981, Thylakion forcipatus Barnard 1934, D. natalensis Morse 1974, and T. urceolus Barnard 1934. Species recognized as belonging to Sisko include, in their original combinations: Sortosa oregona Denning 1966 and Wormaldia sisko Ross 1949. The genus Fumonta is monotypic and includes, in its original combination, Dolophilus major Banks 1914.


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