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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-03-22
Page range: 1–28
Abstract views: 116
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A revision of Strophurus taenicauda (Squamata; Diplodactylidae) with the description of two new subspecies from central Queensland and a southerly range extension

Sunshine Coast Pet Emergency, 431 Tanawha Tourist Dr, Tanawha Qld 4556, Australia
Queensland Museum, PO Box 3300, South Bank, Brisbane Qld 4101, Australia
Centre for Tropical Biology and Climate Change, James Cook University, Townsville Qld 4811, Australia
Reptilia Strophurus taenicauda albiocularis ssp. nov. Strophurus taenicauda triaureus ssp. nov. Brigalow Belt reptile


The Golden-tailed Gecko, Strophurus taenicauda (De Vis 1886), is redescribed and two new subspecies from centralQueensland are diagnosed on the basis of scalation, colour pattern and genetic differences. The distribution of S. t. taeni-cauda comprises the south-eastern part of the Queensland Brigalow Belt bioregion. Strophurus taenicauda albiocularisssp. nov. occupies the northern half of the range whilst S. taenicauda triaureus ssp. nov. has a limited range in the centraleastern part of the Brigalow Belt. The two new subspecies are predominantly inhabitants of Eucalyptus woodlands andare not as restricted to Brigalow (Acacia harpophylla) woodlands as S. t. taenicauda. A single record of the nominate subspecies from northern New South Wales is also reported, extending the range of the species by >250km.


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