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Published: 2012-03-22
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Revision of the genus Turris Batsch, 1789 (Gastropoda: Conoidea: Turridae) with the description of six new species

Natal Museum, Private Bag 9070, Pietermaritzburg 3201, South Africa
A.N. Severtzov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninski Prospect 33, Moscow 119071, Russia
Department of Biology, University of Utah, 257 South 1400 East, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112, U.S.A.
Mollusca Taxonomy Turris Indo-West Pacific new species new synonymies new combinations


The taxonomy of the genus Turris Batsch, 1789, type genus of the family Turridae, widespread in shallow-water habitatsof tropic Indo-Pacific, is revised. A total of 31 species of Turris, are here recognized as valid. New species described: Tur-ris chaldaea, Turris clausifossata, Turris guidopoppei, Turris intercancellata, Turris kantori, T. kathiewayae. Homonymrenamed: Turris bipartita nom. nov. for Pleurotoma variegata Kiener, 1839 (non Philippi, 1836). New synonymies: Turrisankaramanyensis Bozzetti, 2006 = Turris tanyspira Kilburn, 1975; Turris imperfecti, T. nobilis, T. pulchra and T. tornatumRöding, 1798, and Turris assyria Olivera, Seronay & Fedosov, 2010 = T. babylonia; Turris dollyae Olivera, 2000 = Pleu-rotoma crispa Lamarck, 1816; Turris totiphyllis Olivera, 2000 = Turris hidalgoi Vera-Peláez, Vega-Luz & Lozano-Fran-cisco, 2000; Turris kilburni Vera-Peláez, Vega-Luz & Lozano-Francisco, 2000 = Turris pagasa Olivera, 2000; Turris(Annulaturris) munizi Vera-Peláez, Vega-Luz & Lozano-Francisco, 2000 = Gemmula lululimi Olivera, 2000. Revised sta-tus: Turris intricata Powell, 1964, Pleurotoma variegata Kiener, 1839 (non Philippi, 1836) and Pleurotoma yeddoensisJousseaume, 1883, are regarded as full species (not subspecies of Turris crispa). Neotype designated: For Pleurotoma gar-nonsii Reeve, 1843, to distinguish it from Turris garnonsii of recent authors, type locality emended to Zanzibar. New combination: Turris orthopleura Kilburn, 1983, is transferred to genus Makiyamaia, family Clavatulidae.


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